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Open Diapason


Stop Diapason Bass

Stop Diapason Treble



Sesquialtra Bass

Cornet Treble

8 ft

8 ft

8 ft

8 ft

4 ft

2 ft

3 rks

3 rks


   Double Diapason

   Open Diapason

   Stop Diapason Bass

   Stop Diapason Treble



16 ft

8 ft

8 ft

8 ft

4 ft

8 ft



16 ftt

Bergschenhoek, GKV,

Fischer & Wilson, 1842

Great to Swell, Swell to Pedal, Great to Pedal, Swell octave

Sesquialtra Bass: 1 ³/5, 1 ¹/3, 1

Cornet Treble: 2 ²/3, 2, 1 ³/5

Wind pressure: 68 mm WK

Temperament: Young

This instrument was restored in 1990 and placed in Wirdum (Frl.). After church closure in 2002, the instrument was transferred to Bergschenhoek. A picture of the situation in Wirdum and more information about this instrument can be found here.

   Bergschenhoek, 2002