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Manuaal C--f3

Open Diapason (af c0)

Stopped Diapason bass (C-B)

Stopped Diapason treble (c0-f3)



Sesquialtra bass

Cornet treble

8 ft

8 ft

8 ft

4 ft

2 ft

2 rks

2 rks

   Pedaal C--d1


Zijldijk, Doopsgezinde vermaning,

F.R. Feenstra, 2005

This instrument was initially built for own use. A chamberorgan by J.C. Bishop (1830) served as a starting point for the pipe scales. In 2006 it was sold and placed in the Mennonite admonition in Zijldijk. The carving was made by Tico Top, the painting (oak imitation) was done by Helmer Hut.

>site about the organ (Dutch)<

   Zijldijk, 2005